Banbury Amateur Radio Society

All Events

Club Meetings

Next meeting  May 8th.  Preparation for the Mills on The Air  Contest


The club meets at 169 Bloxham Road Banbury on the first four Wednesdays every month.
In months where there is a fifth Wednesday there is no general meeting.
Meetings are either general or can be dedicated to construction projects or may have external speakers.


Planned Events

These are events which are planned but do not as yet have a fixed date.


Bunkers on the Air

145 Alive 

A talk about earthing in the Shack by Ron G8DCX

A talk and demonstration about Gary's Repeater GB3BD  by Dave G4TXA

Talks and demonstrations about using a NanoVNA including the use of smith charts for checking the swr on your antennas all the talks and demos are by Frank M0BJN

RAF UPPER HEYFORD COLD WAR AIRBASE TOUR   would anyone be interested in this A 3+ hour guided tour by mini-bus around the RAF Upper Cold War Airbase Flying Field including visits to the Victor Alert and the Weapons Storage (nuclear bomb store) areas. See for more details. Registration at the RAF Upper Heyford Heritage Centre, 103 West Castle Street, Heyford Park,   

it looks good but it is £25 each This is on most weeks i think on a Sunday morning

Any other sugestions please let me know

Nick  M0NPH

Events Calendar

11&12/05/2024 - Mills on the air at Combe Mill 

06/07/2024 - VHF Field Day. 

23/06/2024 Newbury Radio Rally

30/06/2024 Dunstable Downs Radio Club Bootsale

25/08/2024 Milton Keynes Radio Rally

07/09/2024 HF Field Day

27/09/2024 National Hamfest


Here there will be colourful descriptions of the events and links to photos etc

To contact us please click this link: This will bring up your normal email client.We endeavor to answer all emails within 24 hours.
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